Monday, February 25, 2008

Mein Diener Von Denken

Greetings! It has been awhile since I persuaded myself to start writing. It took me a long time! Anyway, I am not those who writes alot but has alot to write about but does not hav alot of time. I was pondering of what to use as my header...and as I was looking through some dictionaries in the library, I found a German dictionary and it grabbed my attention that why not I use some different language other than English. Well, at first I wasn't convinced to do so. However, as I found those words which I wanted, I began to construct a sentence in German using a sentence in English. Which means, just by mere direct translations. Therefore, if there are any Germans out there who could tell me if what I wrote is right or wrong.

I set-up this blog for almost a year but this is my first post. Many at times, I always told myself that I have lots of time to do it, or telling mysef that there is always another day to do it. And, the truth is, the time and day never came! Procrastination, they call it? Well, its about mere delaying things. with relation to this, I wanted to write something about people who misses opportunities due to 'certain' things or 'excuses' or 'reasons'. And, these are the people who will regret over their decisions by not participating or being part of something and they do regret over it. And, very often, they grunt over it, over and over again, just due to the reason that they rejected an offer earlier or by mere not 'willing' in the begining. By the way, is there a term to describe these type of people? I figured that it has got something to do with passiveness and participation which means not participating in activities or any of that kind added with regrets.
Howabout Regrettable Passive Participation (RPP)? Or can I claim this as a new term? RPP? Anyway, I was talking to a friend about this and I asked him, Have you started your regret list? He then said, " think it's better 2 count ur blessings than 2 regret" which makes me think and all these while, spirituality has emphasized on the idea of happiness and concentrate on the positive, bright side of life and one shall be happy. Hahahahha.....

1 comment:

^cAnDLe^ said...

walao~~apa lu cakap ni?
kenapa wa langsuang tak faham?
adakah wa terlalu bodoh or lu terlalu cerdik?
hehe!!masih x faham...